Shenzhen Geshem Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Geshem Technology Co., Ltd.

Master These Five Points, and You Can Select a Good Android Panel PC

Screen Size of Android Panel PC

Currently, the mainstream Android panel PC on the market come in three sizes: 8 inches, 10 inches, and above 12 inches. These three sizes actually cater to different users. For example, the 8-inch model, due to its overall light weight, primarily functions as an entertainment-oriented device. Watching videos, binge-watching shows, and playing games for long periods with one or both hands won't be too tiring, so friends who enjoy gaming can consider the 8-inch model. The 10-inch size is the mainstream size for panels positioned as "productivity" tools. It is moderately sized, fully equipped with accessories, and has a wide range of uses, making it suitable for both business travel and office work as well as entertainment and gaming. The 12-inch and larger Android panel PC is a almost flagship product launched by a few major manufacturers, mainly aimed at specific users such as designers or video editors. While the huge screens can bring a pleasant viewing experience, they also come with increased weight and high prices, and are not recommended for most people.

Screen Quality of Android Panel PC

Screen size is just the most basic selection parameter. After choosing the initial screen size, we should further understand the screen quality. The first key parameter for an Android panel screen is PPI, the higher the PPI, the clearer and more delicate the display effect. In terms of material, Android panel PC mainly uses LCD screens. The difference between LCD and OLED panels is that LCD screens basically do not worry about flickering, while OLED screens basically do not worry about blue light. On the other hand, when buying an LCD panel, you should pay attention to whether it has a blue light eye protection certification, and when buying an OLED panel, you should check whether it has high-frequency dimming eye protection. Additionally, LCD screens have a long lifespan, while OLED screens have vivid colors.

Hardware Ecosystem of Android Panel PC

It's hard to meet most people's usage needs with just a standalone panel, especially entering 2022. With each new Android panel release, manufacturers also launch new accessories like keyboards and styluses, and facilitate interconnectivity between their different mobile devices. Nowadays, major manufacturers have made significant leaps in building their ecosystems, but the premise is that all your devices — phones, keyboards, styluses, and even computers — must come from the same brand, which can be quite costly for consumers.

System Optimization of Android Panel PC

System optimization and APP adaptation are topics many manufacturers tend to avoid discussing. In the early years of panel releases, many manufacturers simply scaled up their phone systems and apps proportionally. Today, Android panel PC has made great strides in adaptation and optimization. With an increasing number of Android manufacturers launching panel products, app developers are now more focused on adapting Android panel PC to optimize systems, stimulating app developers' enthusiasm.

Brand Reputation of Android Panel PC

Brand reputation is an easily overlooked "hidden parameter". After the launch of new products, we should pay more attention to the mid-to-low review sections of the product comment area. From there, we should filter out content related to product performance and quality to see real user feedback. This approach is more objective and realistic than just looking at professional reviews.

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